Free Survival PDFs, Manuals, & Downloads

Printed survival manual covers from PDFs displayed on a wood table.

Information is power. We share free survival manual PDFs and other related documents for download.


There is a vast landscape of quality survival materials already existing that many people simply don’t have access to or don’t know where to look. Sometimes these resources also lose their online host, making them lost to all but those that already downloaded them. Rather than reproduce work on these topics, it is better to preserve them on a dedicated server.

This is why we started a prepping library or a repository of information that is useful to download and have on hand. We have plenty of resource space online, thanks to our faithful readers, subscribers, and supporters. Whether or not you choose to print or save to a mass storage device is up to you.

All of our PDF files are pre-compressed, conventionally named, and organized. This means you can fit more on a thumb drive and actually find what you need when you need it. We host them ourselves so you can skip sketchy download sites and messy PDFs. You can also download all of the resources at once, using our new One-Click Download.

Contents (Jump to a Section)

US Military Manuals

These free manuals from the military can be a good starting point for your prepper library. They cover plenty of topics but are concise and easy to understand. The manuals are written for everyone- from privates all the way up to generals so they are easy for anyone to follow in stressful situations.

Military Survival Guides

Survival-specific manuals and guides are the top priority for your prepper library. If you served in the US military, you’ll likely recognize these as they made us carry them around and learn sections from a few of them.

Military Survival Skills

Skill-specific or operating manuals that are useful for survival situations.

Survival Manuals

Survival manuals are an easy way to develop a deeper understanding of specific topics or skills. Here are the one’s we’ve found that aren’t US military manuals.

Survival Skills

Specific skill and resource guides related to survival.

Preparedness Manuals

Preparedness extends beyond wilderness and urban survival and can include food storage plans, water collection, sustainable gardens, and more.

  • LDS Preparedness Manual – You can get this comprehensive prepping guide from the church, but we’re hosting it here for free as well (redundancy).

First Aid PDFs

First aid is paramount during disasters and emergencies. Knowledge can be hard to come by when there isn’t a doctor around, and even then resources can always help and never hurt.

Preparedness Threat Guidance

Advanced preppers may explore ‘the why’ for preparedness, and these free PDF resources can help explain why certain preps are better than others.

Nuclear and Radiation PDFs

Nuclear-specific threats can require specific plans and gear to address them.

Plan Checklists

Checklist templates make any plan easier to accomplish.

Survival Kit Checklists

Develop and maintain your kits with easy-to-follow checklists.

Reference Pages

Quick one-page PDF guides for specific survival topics.

One-Click Download

If you want to expedite your survival PDF library building and get everything all at once zipped in organized folders, head over to our Patreon page. You can get it three different ways over there:

  • Purchase for $5 – This includes every file on this page. It’s easy since they come zipped, labeled, and organized. The price helps us host these files.
  • Join our Patreon for $5/mo – If you join our Patreon, you get every resource on there for free as well. Plus, it’ll help us make more guides, reviews, videos, and more. Also, we’re not done adding files and resources so if you are a Patron you’ll get notifications and continuous access to the one-click download.
  • Trial our Patreon and get it all free – Our mission is to spread preparedness and we don’t want that Patreon paywall getting in between you and the one-click download of the files. Sign up for the 7-day trial and you’ll get everything for free- just be sure to cancel after downloading so you don’t get charged.

This model allows everyone to get the resources they need quickly, unburdens our site from large downloads, and lets you support our team if you feel that we deserve it.

The Final Word

Hopefully, we’ve helped you get a bit more prepared with these resources. If you have any suggestions for other guides or manuals that we should host for free, feel free to contact us and let us know. We won’t infringe any copyrights- those authors work hard to put together reliable survival manuals and we support them for their efforts.

Keep exploring, stay prepared, and be safe.

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Free Survival PDFs, Preparedness Manuals, and Kit Checklists